Call For Presentations
We are delighted to be now accepting presentation submissions for the 2025 Economic Research Symposium
Presentation Submissions.
You are cordially invited to submit papers in all areas of Accounting, Economics, Econometrics, and Finance. Submission deadline is Sunday, March 30 2025. Please specify the track (area) to which your manuscript is submitted in the submission form.
Any topic related to Stata or relevant to Stata users is appropriate, including but not limited to the following:
New community-contributed commands for model estimation, graphing, data management, results reporting, or other purposes
New approaches to using Stata together with other software
Innovative use or evaluations of existing Stata commands
New analytic methods of particular relevance to Stata users
Case studies using Stata for applications in various disciplines
Methods and resources for teaching statistics with Stata or for teaching the use of Stata
Each submitted paper is peer reviewed and only accepted papers will be presented. The criteria used to select papers for the symposium include the importance of the research question, the implications of the proposed research, the quality of the research design, and the expected contribution of the research to the literature. The review committee will select the best paper in each track and awardees will receive a Best Paper Certificate.
You will be notified of the final decision regarding your submission by Sunday April 6, 2025. Authors of accepted papers will be assigned to discuss a paper. Attendance of the event is free, but the confirmation of your participation will be required by 10 April, 2025.​